The Kid Fez, Brat, Ju$ & Greedy Green
The Kid Fez, Brat, Ju$ & Greedy Green
Toxic Heart Records Presents

The Kid Fez, Brat, Ju$ & Greedy Green

Four5Nine Bar (North Perth, WA)
Saturday, 26 April 2025 8:00 pm
43 days away
18 Plus
Hip Hop

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General Admission 18+
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Toxic Heart Records invites you to step into the darkness on April 26th for a night of eerie, powerful music. The Kid Fez will take the stage with a set that’s as haunting as it is intense, pulling you into a world of shadowy beats and raw emotion. Brat will follow, delivering a performance that feels like an unsettling force ready to take over. Ju$ and Greedy Green open the night with their gripping, hard-hitting sounds, setting the atmosphere for what promises to be a night you won’t forget.